Welcome to LottiSite

Lotti was created 14/03/2015 (Mother’s Day) as a gift from my brother and I to our wonderful mother. Having flown the nest since then, I am now a fond visitor – Lotti is part of my countryside retreat and I love it dearly. 

I created this website for my mum as a sort of record, or souvenir, of our achievement now that our idyllic patch of land is under threat from developers who wish to evict us within twelve months. Please get in touch if you have had similar experiences or have any positive feedback to help us in our fight for Lotti and for our community.

Thank you!



Bluebell season


Another spectacular walk today, this time around the delightful bluebell-laced woods around lindley reservoir in Farnley, North Yorkshire. It was the perfect opportunity to air our thoughts about the future and consider our priorities. We befriended a dog and nicknamed him MJ (as he had one white fur sock) and took some time out for peaceful reflection in the grounds of the church. A farm was selling fresh eggs and geraniums for £1 in the honesty box, which got me thinking about Lotti.  Perhaps we could start selling a few plants and veg at the entrance to spread the word and share our produce. We should also consider the option of Crowdfunding for future investment. Things to ponder anyway.



Today I spent some time with Gino on his delightful and immaculate allotments: he has two adjacent plots, both already brimmimg with rows and rows of green shoots, separated by a blue painted shed which he described as his little heaven – complete with mini cooker! Gino, originally from Sorento, described the allotment as being “his life”, as he spends all evenings working in his restaurant. He told me that he much prefers an allotment to a garden as it is about making friends and sharing. He is deeply saddened that we may have to be moved as he understands what this would mean to so many of his older friends here. Gino is growing artichokes which he says are not widely used in England compared with their popularity in Italy. He was so welcoming and open: laughing in acknowledgment that he grows too much (he does not grow for the restaurant) he said that he grows so much that he can share it with friends. He gave us some radishes and salad, in exchange for our Cosmos and rocket.image